The Wolf and The Rose

por Ana Policarpo (aluna do 11ºA)

As the moon rises up in the sky,
wolves howl their tribute in the mountain high.
As the moon rises up in the sky,
roses stay, and of loneliness
they cry.

For without her wolf,
the rose will fall and die.
And without his rose,
the wolf can't please the moon in the sky.
Together they were, apart they stay,
torn apart by the moon's way.

The rose cries her broken heart.
The wolf howls to the moon that tore them apart.
And as pain seeks to destroy their bond,
their hearts still fill with each other's love.

But as soon as the moon stops its call,
the wolf catches his rose before her fall.
Pain hasn't managed to destroy their bond,
and now together they'll stay…
forever, and beyond.


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